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Where Does The U.S. Housing Market Go From Here? Michael Andrew Lacuhlan Shares Predictions For The Rest Of 2020

There’s no question that we are living in unpredictable times. Let’s face it, there’s no way that the pandemic was on your 2020 bingo card and you probably didn’t account for it when planning this year’s business strategy. Despite that, it’s important that we adapt to the environment that we’ve been thrown into to survive…

CBD Oil and Stress Relief

CBD (Cannabidiol) oil, is a product on the global market that today, is more popular than it ever has been previously. It is an all natural product which is extracted from cannabis plants. As it is natural, it has many antioxidant properties. Its popularity and reasons for use seem to be ever expanding as the…

Domestic Violence Against Men

Domestic violence is often thought of in the context of a man harming a woman. While this is statistically the majority of cases, Intimate Partner Violence (IVP) also takes place against men. Ignoring this aspect is an injustice to the high number of male victims suffering from abuse. If you or someone you know is…