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An Efficient Process Design and Analysis


The goal of an organization is to offer products and services that will satisfy customers and generate worth for their customers. The product and services that are designed are based on the feedback of the customer and the requirements of the market. Process design is when the product is divided into pieces, which can aid during the manufacturing process.

For instance, a product is attractive in its packaging that provides the perfect aesthetics, but also functions and attributes that provide the customer with value. Process design makes sure that there is a smooth and continuous connection between outputs and all of the other processes.

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For example, in the case of manufacturing Air conditioners, the design of the process needs to be designed so that the maximum production is made during the hottest months of summer when the demand for the product is highest. Thus, the process, the people, and the machines must be aligned to ensure uninterrupted production throughout the year to meet the seasonal demand.

Process Plan

The process development phase for the design of processes can be summarized in these steps:

A Process Requirement’s first step is to collect and organize information to provide structure and a goal. It is to create an outline of the process requirements that outlines various phases, risks, and the various stakeholders involved in production. It includes a review of the technology available and raw material requirements, plant layout and layout as well as demand forecast.

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Team Building:

When the requirements of the process are established for each objective the team is then selected according to skills and experience. The role that the members of this team have is familiar with the whole procedure.

Plan and implementation:

The process team for planning will create guidelines and policies required for production. They will be approved by both internal and external put into place.


A periodic audit is conducted to make sure that the process carried out is in line with delivering value to the customers.


During the period, there might be improvements to the product, or it could end up being discontinued in such circumstances The process that developed is halted.

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Production Process:

The type of product and service production, or the transformation process, can be divided into two Categories:

Ongoing production (assembly line, refinery for oil) as well as intermittent (job work and service).

The production process of the manufacturing and service industry is divided into broad categories based on the commonality of the products or services. It can vary from one project like bridges or buildings or interior designs and mass production projects such as the car to fast-food restaurants.

Process Design

A successful design of a process has to be able to assess how the process is suited to the overall organizational goal. The process design must take a wide perspective of the entire organization and must not be based on an elitist view. It should also provide customers value by involving the entire management at different levels.


To create well-designed process strategies are required that address the single line of items needed for the production of the final product. A successful process strategy covers the procurement of raw materials and customer involvement, technology investment, and more.

Over time, process design has evolved and innovative concepts like Flexible Manufacturing Systems are being invented that provide efficiency and effectiveness in product development and analyses.