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3 Tips For Helping An Elderly Loved One Move To A New Home


If you have an elderly loved one that will soon be moving into a new home, be it a smaller home where they can age in place or into an assisted living facility, actually doing all of the labor that’s required for a move will likely be beyond their ability. So if you’ve offered your services and are willing to help with the move, there are a few things that you should know beforehand to help you prepare for the event, as moving can be a difficult challenge for many older people.

To help you give them the assistance and care they need during this time, here are three tips for helping an elderly loved one move to a new home. 

Encourage Them To Gift Items They Can’t Take With Them

For many older people who are moving, they will very likely be moving from a larger home into a smaller home. As a result of this, they will also have to go through the downsizing process, which can be very challenging for many people, especially those who have spent a lifetime acquiring their belongings.

Having to get rid of things that you love isn’t easy for anyone, but something that can make this easier is to know that you’re giving your treasures to a person who will love them and care for them as much as you do.

To help your elderly loved one have this experience rather than just throwing things away or donating them to a stranger, you could encourage them to give their items to specific people. This will not only help them to downsize their possessions, but it will also help them feel like they’re helping those that they’re sharing their belongings with. 

Know Who’s Paying For What

Moving can be a very expensive task. So when you’re helping your elderly loved one move, you should have a conversation about who’s going to be paying for what with regards to the move. 

Many older people may not realize how expensive it can be to move today, so consider coming to your loved one with a list of things that will need to be done or taken care of with their move and what those things are likely to cost. While some of these things may be able to get done inexpensively with the help of family and friends, when there are costs, be sure everyone knows what they are and who’s paying for them. 

Be Prepared For Some Indecision

Living in a new place can be a lot for someone to process, especially if they’re having to make a lot of other life changes in the process. So if your elderly loved one seems to be having a hard time making decisions about their move, try to be as patient and understanding about it as you can. 

If there are things that need to have a decision made, consider giving them just two options and letting them pick between those two to help move the process along while also helping them to have some autonomy. 

If you’ll soon be helping an elderly loved one move, consider using the tips mentioned above to help make this experience go as smoothly as possible.